On September 27,2023, at 10AM Pacific Time/1PM Easter Time, The Content Wrangler webinar series will feature The Language of Learning authors and editors Phylise Banner and Dawn J. Mahoney in a free webinar on BrightTalk. They will be discussing how they collaborated with 52 authors to create the book.
The Language of Learning is the […]
Latest News (Education,The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series,XML Press)
The latest book in the Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series, The Language of Learning, compiled and edited by Phylise Banner and Dawn J. Mahoney, is now available at retailers worldwide, including Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and the XML Press eBook Store.
The Language of Learning introduces the field of education to business professionals […]
The second edition of Content Audits and Inventories: A Handbook for Content Analysis, by veteran content strategist Paula Land, is now available.
This edition updates and expands the first edition, focusing on the importance of the strategic, as well as the tactical, aspects of the content audit. It includes expanded chapters on planning and […]
Ray Walsh, author of Localizing Employee Communications: A Handbook, sat down with us (virtually) for an interview to discuss his book, the importance of employee communications in a global corporation, and how the strategies and tactics he discusses in the book can apply beyond internal corporate communications.
A unique aspect of Localizing Employee Communications […]
Sharon Burton and Bonni Graham Gonzalez’s new book, Engineering Words: Communicating clearly in the workplace, is now available in both print and ebook editions from Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and many other online retailers.
Over the course of a career, every engineer needs to communicate, in both written and oral form, with other engineers […]
Erik Siegel’s new book, Schematron: A Language for Validating XML, is now available from Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and many other online retailers.
Schematron is a validation language that checks XML documents against business rules. It extends the validation provided by languages such as Document Type Definitions (DTD), W3C XML Schema, and RELAX NG, […]
Learn about the need to standardize in order to personalize your content.
Thursday, July 21, at 8AM PT / 11AM ET
Join Patrick Bosek and Scott Abel for a chat with global content strategy expert and author of the The Personalization Paradox, Val Swisher, to discover the secret to personalizing content experiences at scale. You’ll […]
The first edition of Krista Van Laan’s popular book The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing has guided a generation of technical writers who are either starting out or seeking to take their skills to the next level.
This classic has now been updated for the technical writer of today. Today’s tech writers truly are […]
On February 16, 2022, STC is offering a one-hour webinar titled Writing a Successful Book Proposal. The webinar will be hosted by Richard Hamilton, author of Managing Writers and publisher at XML Press.
The webinar will cover the information publishers want to see in a proposal and the factors they look at in evaluating […]
Val Swisher, author of Global Content Strategy and The Personalization Paradox, will be speaking at Content Marketing World 2021, which is being held both in-person and virtually this year.
Her talk is titled AI is for Analysis and Insights: Using Three AI Analytic Models and will be part of the virtual track at 11:00am EDT, […]
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“I love the examples you give from both the real world and pop culture” Lee Engfer, editor and writer at Mayo Clinic
“Based on real-life experience, the book is sure to resonate with [corporate communicators] and give them plenty of ideas on how to rethink and hopefully improve their current approach.” Libor Safar, Full review at Multilingual Magazine