Latest News (Localization,XML Press)

Ray Walsh on the need to localize internal communications

Ray Walsh, author of Localizing Employee Communications will be chatting with Scott Abel on Tuesday, September 15 at 8AM PT and 11AM ET in a free webinar. You can register at BrightTALK to attend. If you’re not available at that time, you can register and view the webinar on demand later.


 Latest News (Content Strategy)

An Uneven History of Content Strategy

XML Press author Rahel Anne Bailie has just published an essay, An Uneven History of Content Strategy, which traces the field content strategy starting from decades before anyone used the term “Content Strategy.” Her essay highlights the people and ideas that have coalesced into what we now call content strategy.

You will find references to […]

 Latest News (Book Review,Content Strategy,The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series,XML Press)

Voice and Tone Strategy Review in STC Technical Communication

John Caldwell’s book Voice and Tone Strategy: Connecting with People through Content is reviewed in the August 2020 issue of STC Technical Communication by Janice (Ginny) Redish.

In her review, Redish calls his book “… a short book full of practical advice.” See the full review here, courtesy of the Society for Technical Communication.


 Latest News (Localization,The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series,XML Press)

Why Content Localization Matters in Internal Communications

XML Press author Ray Walsh has just published an article on titled Why content localization matters in internal communications.

The article explains how a good employee experience addresses employee needs and speaks their language.

Ray’s book, Localizing Employee Communications, is a practical guide to ending conventional communication practices that stand in the way of […]

 Latest News (The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series,XML Press)

Getting the Tone Right: Voice and Tone Online Event

Content Strategy Los Angeles is hosting a meetup featuring Oz Chen, Senior UX Writer at Credit Karma and XML Press author John Caldwell on Friday, May 22, 2020, from 10:30 AM to noon (Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)). For details and to sign up go to Content Strategy Los Angeles Meetup.

John will discuss the voice […]

 Latest News (XML Press)

XML Press at STC Summit 2020

STC Summit 2020 is starting this week. As part of this event, XML Press is running a virtual bookstore. If you’re attending STC Summit, you will find the bookstore in the Virtual Expo Hall. The bookstore contains curated books that have been recommended by STC members, reviewed in STC Techcomm, or written by speakers, […]

 Latest News (XML Press)

New from XML Press: XProc 3.0 Programmer Reference

The latest book in our series of XML-related publications, XProc 3.0 Programmer Reference by Erik Siegel, is now generally available in ebook and print form through online book sellers worldwide.

XProc 3.0 Programmer Reference introduces XProc 3.0, which is a programming language for processing XML, JSON, and other documents. XProc chains conversions and other […]

 Latest News (Commentary,XML Press)

A New Place to Buy Books

It has always been difficult to buy niche books from independent bookstores, and since we are a niche publisher, it is highly unlikely that you will see one of our books in your local bookstore. In 12 years of running XML Press, I know of only one direct purchase from us for an independent bookstore […]

 Latest News (XML Press)

Conversation and Community ebook now Free

Anne Gentle has decided that it’s time to take Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation out of print. The social media landscape has changed radically in just a few years. While the information in the book is still valid and relevant, there are trends and technologies that were not in existence when Anne […]

 Latest News (Content Strategy)

Voice and Tone Summit 2020

Join XML Press author John Caldwell for a Voice and Tone Summit on Thursday, February 27, 2020, at 5:30 PM at ServiceNow, 4810 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA. For details and to sign up go to San Diego Content Strategy Meetup.

John will discuss the voice and tone strategy building blocks and frameworks in his […]