The CX Trinity: Customers, Content, Context

Cover of The CX Trinity

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The latest book from Alan J. Porter, The CX Trinity: Customers, Content, Context: Musings and Observations on the Dvolving Customer Experience, is now available. It looks at how we talk to customers, the content we provide to them, and the contexts in which they consume it.

CX is an abbreviation for customer experience and is often used as a hashtag in social media.

Trinity comes from the belief that any good customer experience is driven by a combination of three critical elements:

  • Meeting the customer’s needs
  • Delivering the right content to help the customer
  • Understanding the context of where, when, and how the customer interacts with you

These observations are pulled together from 52 essays that originally appeared as blog posts on Alan’s Content Pool blog, LinkedIn, and the CMS Wire website.

Alan J. Porter is a recognized industry thought leader, balancing both tactical and strategic knowledge and a gift for storytelling. He is a regular contributor to various industry sources, webinar host, and podcast guest, as well as an in-demand speaker for conferences.

With XML Press, Alan has published WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit and The Content Pool: Leveraging Your Company’s Largest Hidden Asset

The book is available now. For more information go to The CX Trinity book page.

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