Structured Writing: Rhetoric and Process

Mark Baker’s new book, Structured Writing is now available in print from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and online retailers worldwide.

Mark Baker is well known in the technical communication world for his incisive and at times controversial writings. His new book takes a fresh look at structured writing, peeling away the buzz words and cutting […]

The Language of Cybersecurity

The Language of Cybersecurity, the latest book in The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series, is released today, July 15, 2018, and is available through print and ebook retailers worldwide.

Through August 31, 2018, this book will be on sale for $14.95 (regular price $19.95) at the XML Press eBook Store

The Language […]

Italian edition of Every Page is Page One

Ogni pagina è la prima, the Italian translation of Mark Baker’s Every Page is Page One, is available in print from Amazon and other ebook retailers. It is available in ebook form from the XML Press ebook store.

The translation was done by Gianni Angelini, a well-known technical communicator in Italy. Gianni is the […]

Interview with Leigh White about DITA for Print 2nd Edition

Learn more about Leigh W. White’s new book DITA for Print, 2nd Edition (XML Press) by reading her interview with IXIASOFT’s Keith Schengili-Roberts on DITAWriter.

Together, they delve into the book’s details, and discuss what clients are asking for in terms of PDF customization and DITA 1.3 developments. Learn why Leigh believed a second edition […]

XML Press at STC Summit-2018

This year, once again, XML Press will run the bookstore at STC Summit. We will have a selection of books from XML Press and other publishers, including new titles from Rosenfeld and Stylus. And there will be specials and giveaways. If you’re at the Summit, stop by the bookstore and say hello.

XML Press authors […]

XML Press eBook Store

The XML Press eBook Store is now open for business. You can purchase XML Press eBooks directly from us as a three-format bundle (PDF, ePub, and Kindle (.mobi)).

Once you’ve purchased a book, you can immediately download it to your computer or device and start reading.

The Language of Localization

The Language of Localization, the latest book in The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series, will be released on November 1, 2017, and available through print and ebook retailers worldwide.

The Language of Localization defines 52 terms that every business professional should know, even professionals who do not specialize in localization. In […]

XML Press on Safari

No, not a literal safari, O’Reilly Safari.

Up until this month, XML Press ebooks were available from O’Reilly Media in two forms: in a three-format DRM-free bundle (PDF, ePub, and Kindle) and on Safari, which is a subscription service.

O’Reilly has changed their business model, and they no longer offer the three-format bundle for any […]

Review of Webinar School

The Instructional Design and Learning Special Interest Group (IDL SIG) of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) has just published a review of Bette Frick’s latest book, Webinar School: Planning, producing, and presenting your training webinar.

From the review, written by Jamye Sagan:

“Whether one has been producing webinars for years or just got […]

CMS/DITA North America Conference

Join the Center for Information-Development Management for the 19th annual Content Management Strategies/DITA North America Conference in San Diego, California on April 24-26 2017. Engage with a community of people who believe that international standards, structured content, reuse capabilities, and multiple media delivery are the directions of the future.

Meet publications professionals who have implemented […]