“If a digital experience is a conversation with a user, how can you have that conversation if you don’t know what the words are?” — Sarah Johnson
Larry Swanson, host of the podcast Content Strategy Insights, recently interviewed Sarah Johnson, author of Content-first Design, which is coming soon from XML Press.
How often have you seen a proposed web design that looks nice, but is filled with dummy Lorem Ipsum text? You know it looks nice, but even if you know the purpose of the site, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to see how the site will work for […]
Val Swisher, author of Global Content Strategy: A Primer and The Personalization Paradox, is giving a free webinar on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 8:00AM PST.
The quality of your content is the most important factor in how well your artificial intelligence (AI) system performs. The phrase “Garbage in, garbage out” has never been more […]
The second edition of Content Audits and Inventories: A Handbook for Content Analysis, by veteran content strategist Paula Land, is now available.
This edition updates and expands the first edition, focusing on the importance of the strategic, as well as the tactical, aspects of the content audit. It includes expanded chapters on planning and […]
Sharon Burton and Bonni Graham Gonzalez’s new book, Engineering Words: Communicating clearly in the workplace, is now available in both print and ebook editions from Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and many other online retailers.
Over the course of a career, every engineer needs to communicate, in both written and oral form, with other engineers […]
The first edition of Krista Van Laan’s popular book The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing has guided a generation of technical writers who are either starting out or seeking to take their skills to the next level.
This classic has now been updated for the technical writer of today. Today’s tech writers truly are […]
The new book from Val Swisher and Regina Lynn Preciado, The Personalization Paradox: Why Companies Fail (and How to Succeed) at Delivering Personalized Experiences at Scale, is now available.
According to Infosys, 86% of consumers surveyed indicated that personalized content has some impact on what they purchase, and 25% said that personalization plays a […]
XML Press author Ray Gallon will be speaking at TC World China in Shanghai, May 30-31, 2019.
Ray, editor of The Language of Technical Communication, will be giving a presentation titled “The Challenge of Information 4.0” and a workshop titled “Cognitive science applied to user assistance.”
It’s good news/bad news at the STC Summit this year. The bad news is that after several years doing the bookstore, XML Press will not be at the Summit this year. We have enjoyed doing the bookstore, but for a variety of reasons, it’s impossible for us to do the store this year.
XML Press author Robert Delwood, author of The Secret Life of Word, will be speaking at WritersUA Web, which is being held March 28-29, 2019, in Denver, Colorado.
Robert’s talk is titled “Creating Great Documentation From Good Documentation in Seven Steps.”
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“I love the examples you give from both the real world and pop culture” Lee Engfer, editor and writer at Mayo Clinic
“Based on real-life experience, the book is sure to resonate with [corporate communicators] and give them plenty of ideas on how to rethink and hopefully improve their current approach.” Libor Safar, Full review at Multilingual Magazine