Information Energy 2019

XML Press authors Rahel Anne Bailie and Ray Gallon will be speaking at Information Energy 2019 in Amsterdam, April 11-12.

Rahel, author of Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits, will be speaking at the conference. Her talk is titled, “The Mechanics behind Info 4.0: Content Operations.”

Ray, editor of The Language […]

MindTouch Top 25 Content Strategist Influencers for 2016

MindTouch just published its list of Top 25 Content Strategist Influencers for 2016, and the names include eight XML Press authors, including Ann Rockley, who was named an Unparalleled Content Strategist Influencer, and XML Press authors Sharon Burton, Rahel Anne Bailie, JoAnn Hackos, Kevin Nichols, Alan J. Porter, Val Swisher, and Noz Urbina, who were […]

Review of Intelligent Content: A Primer

Lisa Park of Extractable has just posted a review of Intelligent Content: A Primer.

From the review: “Intelligent Content: A Primer, goes into quite a bit of detail—and includes a fair amount of research—to explain how you’ll benefit from this type of content. It includes three brief case studies, highlighting an investment bank, medical device […]

Intelligent Content: A Primer — UPDATE

Today, everything is marketing. All of the content we produce affects the customer experience. Therefore, all content is marketing and all content producers are marketers.

Intelligent Content: A Primer shows you why you should know about intelligent content, opens the door to new ways of thinking about your content, and gets you started down […]

Kevin P Nichols Discusses Performance Driven Content & Content Strategy

XML Press author Kevin P. Nichols is producing a series of videos on content strategy. The current video in the series, Performance-driven Content and Content Strategy, discusses the importance of performance-driven content for content marketing and content strategy.

Kevin is the author of Enterprise Content Strategy: A Project Guide. The video uses images from the […]

Interview with Scott Abel about The Language of Content Strategy

Roger Parker has just posted a summary of his interview with Scott Abel about The Language of Content Strategy. You can read the summary and listen to the entire interview in the article, Scott Abel Tells Why Content Strategy Matters on Roger’s blog, Published and Profitable.


Enterprise Content Strategy: A Project Guide

Kevin P. Nichols’ Enterprise Content Strategy: A Project Guide is now available. This book outlines best practices for conducting and executing content strategy projects. It is a step-by-step guide to building an enterprise content strategy for your organization.

Enterprise Content Strategy draws on Kevin Nichols’ experience managing one of the largest and most successful […]

Discover the Language of Content Strategy

Learn how to make content strategy the foundation of your 2015 writing and marketing success. Roger Parker interviews Scott Abel, co-author of The Language of Content Strategy—a slim book that can make a big difference.

Roger will be interviewing Scott tomorrow, Tuesday, December 16th, at 4:00 PM EST. Whether you want to get better results […]

XML Press at Information Development World

XML Press will be at Information Development World this week (October 22-24, 2014).

XML Press authors Scott Abel, Rahel Anne Bailie, Paula Land, Kevin Nichols, Val Swisher, and Leigh White will be speaking at the show. We will have books from XML Press and other publishers, including books from many of the other speakers at […]

Every Page is Page One now Available

Mark Baker’s Every Page is Page One: Topic-based Writing for Technical Communication is now available for sale at, Barnes and Noble and other retailers worldwide. The print version is available now, and the ebook will be available shortly.

We also now have the full table of contents on the Every Page is Page One […]