“If a digital experience is a conversation with a user, how can you have that conversation if you don’t know what the words are?” — Sarah Johnson
Larry Swanson, host of the podcast Content Strategy Insights, recently interviewed Sarah Johnson, author of Content-first Design, which is coming soon from XML Press.
How often have you seen a proposed web design that looks nice, but is filled with dummy Lorem Ipsum text? You know it looks nice, but even if you know the purpose of the site, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to see how the site will work for its intended […]
Val Swisher, author of Global Content Strategy: A Primer and The Personalization Paradox, is giving a free webinar on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 8:00AM PST.
The quality of your content is the most important factor in how well your artificial intelligence (AI) system performs. The phrase “Garbage in, garbage out” has never been more […]
Kevin Nichols, author of Enterprise Content Strategy: A Project Guide is giving a free webinar on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 10AM PST on the impact of current trends in personalization, including the impact that artificial intelligence and other technologies are having.
This webinar provides an overview of:
* The developments in personalization during 2024 and […]
Erik Siegel, the author of XProc 3.0 Programmer Reference, has created a website that provides an extensive description of the XProc 3.0 steps. The site provides detailed descriptions, examples, and error codes for the steps. It is a work in progress that now covers about half of the steps, and it is being updated and […]
On Wednesday August 14, at 10:00PDT, 1:00EDT, Paula Land and Elliott Risch of Enterprise Knowledge will join Scott Abel in a Bright Talk webinar exploring the power of artificial intelligence as a content analysis tool.
Many content strategists are leveraging AI in content creation, yet its potential to revolutionize content audits remains largely untapped. Content […]
LavaCon 2024 will be held October 27-30 in Portland, Oregon. This year, LavaCon features presentations by XML Press authors Scott Abel, Rahel Bailie, Kit Brown-Hoekstra, Alan Porter, Val Swisher, and Noz Urbina, as well as many other top names in content strategy, technical communication, and management.
The website for the book The Language of Content Strategy is now back online at https://thelanguageofcontentstrategy.com.
You can view all of the terms in the book and the biographies of contributors at this site, plus there are links to purchase the print or ebook edition.
The Society for Technical Communication (STC) Rochester chapter is featuring Intelligent Content: A Primer, by Ann Rockley, Charles Cooper, and Scott Abel, in the latest edition of its discussion series about technical communications books.
This virtual event is Thursday, January 18 2024 at 6pm EST.
The Language of Learning website is up and running as of today. Every week for the next year, we bring you a new term related to education and learning.
You can also get the full book right now at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and Bookshop.org. You can also buy the ebook bundle (ePub, Kindle, […]
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“I love the examples you give from both the real world and pop culture” Lee Engfer, editor and writer at Mayo Clinic
“Based on real-life experience, the book is sure to resonate with [corporate communicators] and give them plenty of ideas on how to rethink and hopefully improve their current approach.” Libor Safar, Full review at Multilingual Magazine