How often have you seen a proposed web design that looks nice, but is filled with dummy Lorem Ipsum text? You know it looks nice, but even if you know the purpose of the site, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to see how the site will work for […]
Sharon Burton and Bonni Graham Gonzalez’s new book, Engineering Words: Communicating clearly in the workplace, is now available in both print and ebook editions from, Barnes and Noble, and many other online retailers.
Over the course of a career, every engineer needs to communicate, in both written and oral form, with other engineers […]
The first edition of Krista Van Laan’s popular book The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing has guided a generation of technical writers who are either starting out or seeking to take their skills to the next level.
This classic has now been updated for the technical writer of today. Today’s tech writers truly are […]
Anne Gentle has decided that it’s time to take Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation out of print. The social media landscape has changed radically in just a few years. While the information in the book is still valid and relevant, there are trends and technologies that were not in existence when Anne […]
Mark Baker’s new book, Structured Writing is now available in print from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and online retailers worldwide.
Mark Baker is well known in the technical communication world for his incisive and at times controversial writings. His new book takes a fresh look at structured writing, peeling away the buzz words and cutting […]
TC World e-magazine has published a review of The Language of Technical Communication. According to reviewer Natalia Lincoln:
“The Language of Technical Communication will greatly benefit students and others interested in, or lateral entrants to, a career in technical communication; management staff who would like to understand the procedures, concepts, and potential inherent in […]
The Content Wrangler is offering a three day, free virtual webinar series. Three days of free educational web presentations. The Virtual Summit on Advanced Practices in Technical Communication features 12 free one-hour sessions from some of the industry’s best and brightest talents — experts in XML authoring, content strategy, content management, translation and localization, intelligent […]
The Language of Technical Communication is the latest volume in The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series.
As with the previous book in this series, The Language of Content Strategy, this book contains definitions of terms that practitioners need to know. The terms are divided into five categories: Core Concepts, Technical Concepts, Standards and […]
Whether you’ve accidentally stumbled into this field or have purposefully selected technical writing to be your career, Krista Van Laan’s The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing is a handy reference book to keep in your drawer.
As a beginner tech writer, I found this book (which I was given to review) supremely useful in giving […]
Congratulations to XML Press authors Anne Gentle (@annegentle) and Char James-Tanny (@CharJTF) for being recognized by MindTouch as being among the Top Ten Tech Comm Influencers in 2011.
It’s also great to see XML Press (@xmlpress), Sarah Maddox (@sarahmaddox), Alan Porter (@alanjporter), and Richard Hamilton (@richardhamilton) on MindTouch’s list of 401 Tech Comm Influencers. […]
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“I love the examples you give from both the real world and pop culture” Lee Engfer, editor and writer at Mayo Clinic
“Based on real-life experience, the book is sure to resonate with [corporate communicators] and give them plenty of ideas on how to rethink and hopefully improve their current approach.” Libor Safar, Full review at Multilingual Magazine