Next Tuesday, October 18, 6:00pm to 8:30pm, I will be presenting a talk on XML at the Orange County STC Chapter Meeting at the Doubletree Club Hotel—Orange County Airport.
The talk will cover topics ranging from basic XML syntax and structure to XML schemas for technical communicators. There will be plenty of time for questions, […]
If you wonder what tools are being used by technical communication experts, check out Technical Writing Tools: The Ultimate Expert Choice. The author, Ferry Vermeulen, has collected the favorite tools of more than 70 industry experts, including XML Press authors Rahel Bailie, Noz Urbina, and Richard Hamilton.
The LavaCon conference will be held in Las Vegas, at the Golden Nugget Hotel, October 25-28, 2016.
In addition to bringing together the top names in content strategy and tech comm management, LavaCon is known for top-quality presentations and second-to-none hospitality. And this year, if you can’t attend in person, you can attend virtually.
Peter Lavin, author of the forthcoming book, HTML to Flare with Dynamic Content, will be speaking at PHP Northeast 2016, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, August 4-5, 2016.
His talk is titled, “Querying and Manipulating HTML using PHP.” For more information, go to:
The Language of Technical Communication is the latest volume in The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series.
As with the previous book in this series, The Language of Content Strategy, this book contains definitions of terms that practitioners need to know. The terms are divided into five categories: Core Concepts, Technical Concepts, Standards and […]
From now through June 5, 2016, all XML Press eBooks are on sale at the XML Press eBookstore at O’Reilly Media for 40% off. Use the discount code: summit16 or the following, discount-included link: XML Press eBooks 40% off
The LavaCon Conference on Content Strategy and TechComm Management will be held in Dublin, Ireland, June 5-8, 2016. The conference features several XML Press authors:
Rahel Anne Bailie: Ambassadors for the United Nations of Content: Advocacy and Negotiation, and Strategist, Consultant, Trusted Advisor: Which Are You and Why Does it Matter? Charles Cooper: Virtual Reality […]
The Society for Technical Communication (STC) journal, Technical Communication, has published a review of Bette Frick’s Business Matters: A Freelancer’s Guide to Business Success in Any Economy.
From the review, written by Kristin Kirkham-Broadhead, “Frick writes in a refreshing tone with her blatant honesty, showcasing the roller coaster of emotions you deal with in […]
Lisa Park of Extractable has just posted a review of Intelligent Content: A Primer.
From the review: “Intelligent Content: A Primer, goes into quite a bit of detail—and includes a fair amount of research—to explain how you’ll benefit from this type of content. It includes three brief case studies, highlighting an investment bank, medical device […]
In a new interview at, Rick Yagodich, author of Author Experience, discusses the importance of making sure content management software and practices provide an environment for authors that maximizes their effectiveness and efficiency.
In the article, Yagodich says, “The most valuable assets within any company are its people, its proprietary processes, its ways […]
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“I love the examples you give from both the real world and pop culture” Lee Engfer, editor and writer at Mayo Clinic
“Based on real-life experience, the book is sure to resonate with [corporate communicators] and give them plenty of ideas on how to rethink and hopefully improve their current approach.” Libor Safar, Full review at Multilingual Magazine