Kevin P. Nichols’ Enterprise Content Strategy: A Project Guide is now available. This book outlines best practices for conducting and executing content strategy projects. It is a step-by-step guide to building an enterprise content strategy for your organization.
Enterprise Content Strategy draws on Kevin Nichols’ experience managing one of the largest and most successful […]
Learn how to make content strategy the foundation of your 2015 writing and marketing success. Roger Parker interviews Scott Abel, co-author of The Language of Content Strategy—a slim book that can make a big difference.
Roger will be interviewing Scott tomorrow, Tuesday, December 16th, at 4:00 PM EST. Whether you want to get better results […]
The Content Wrangler has a free sample chapter from Paula Land’s new book, Content Audits and Inventories.
Successful content strategy projects start with a thorough assessment of the current state of all content assets — their quantity, type, and quality. Beginning with a data-rich content inventory and layering in a qualitative assessment, the audit […]
XML Press will be at Information Development World this week (October 22-24, 2014).
XML Press authors Scott Abel, Rahel Anne Bailie, Paula Land, Kevin Nichols, Val Swisher, and Leigh White will be speaking at the show. We will have books from XML Press and other publishers, including books from many of the other speakers at […]
This year, XML Press will be running the bookstore at the STC Summit in Phoenix, Arizona, May 18-21. The bookstore will feature books from a wide variety of publishers, covering topics of interest to technical communicators, content strategists, managers, marketers, and anyone interested in our field.
In addition, several XML Press authors will be at […]
I just posted my latest article for the STC Notebook, Publishing Perspectives: Writing a Book Proposal. If you’ve ever thought of writing a book and would like to know what publishers are looking for, this should answer some of your questions.
XML Press will be at the Intelligent Content 2014 conference this week with our latest book, The Language of Content Strategy. This book is a compilation of 52 terms central to the field of content strategy. It was co-edited by Scott Abel and Rahel Anne Bailie, and published in collaboration with The Content Wrangler.
When Bette Frick launched her freelance writing and editing business in 1990, not having completed formal business training meant she would make more than a few mistakes. But not applying MBA models meant that as her company grew, her business model fit her rather than some business-school template.
As Bette learned her (sometimes) painful lessons, […]
Lavacon is coming up next week, and XML Press writers will be there in force. In addition, XML Press will have a bookstore at the show with books from XML Press authors and other industry leaders.
XML Press authors speaking at the conference include: Rahel Bailie, Mark Baker, Sharon Burton, Char James-Tanny, Noz Urbina, and […]
Mark Baker’s Every Page is Page One: Topic-based Writing for Technical Communication is now available for sale at, Barnes and Noble and other retailers worldwide. The print version is available now, and the ebook will be available shortly.
We also now have the full table of contents on the Every Page is Page One […]
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“I love the examples you give from both the real world and pop culture” Lee Engfer, editor and writer at Mayo Clinic
“Based on real-life experience, the book is sure to resonate with [corporate communicators] and give them plenty of ideas on how to rethink and hopefully improve their current approach.” Libor Safar, Full review at Multilingual Magazine