
The Personalization Paradox

Cover of The Personalization Paradox

The new book from Val Swisher and Regina Lynn Preciado, The Personalization Paradox: Why Companies Fail (and How to Succeed) at Delivering Personalized Experiences at Scale, is now available.

According to Infosys, 86% of consumers surveyed indicated that personalized content has some impact on what they purchase, and 25% said that personalization plays a large role in their purchases. Yet, few companies have succeeded at delivering personalization at scale.

The only way to deliver personalized content at scale is to automate the process at the point of delivery. And for that to work, you’ve got to change how you “do” content.

In this book, global content strategy expert Val Swisher and senior content strategist Regina Lynn Preciado show you how to avoid the pitfalls and make personalization possible with your enterprise content.

The book is available now. For more information go to The Personalization Paradox book page.

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