
Webinar School now available in print and ebook form

Bette Frick’s new book, Webinar School: Planning, producing, and presenting your training webinar, is now available in print and ebook form from online retailers worldwide.

Webinar School presents Bette’s practical tips for offering flawless webinars, keeping participants engaged, and having as much fun as the learners do. Based on her wide-ranging experience teaching both in-person […]

Business Matters reviewed by STC Technical Communication

The Society for Technical Communication (STC) journal, Technical Communication, has published a review of Bette Frick’s Business Matters: A Freelancer’s Guide to Business Success in Any Economy.

From the review, written by Kristin Kirkham-Broadhead, “Frick writes in a refreshing tone with her blatant honesty, showcasing the roller coaster of emotions you deal with in […]

Business Matters: A freelancer’s guide to business success in any economy

When Bette Frick launched her freelance writing and editing business in 1990, not having completed formal business training meant she would make more than a few mistakes. But not applying MBA models meant that as her company grew, her business model fit her rather than some business-school template.

As Bette learned her (sometimes) painful lessons, […]