
 Latest News (WIKI)

Wikis in the workplace: New article at ars technica

Alan J. Porter, author of the forthcoming book, WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit, has just published an article titled, Wikis in the workplace: a practical introduction at ars technica. Here is the beginning of the article.

When times get tough and belts get tight, one of the first things […]

 Latest News (Conversation and Community)

Hammers and Social Media

Seth Godin’s latest post, Hammer time, makes a point that has been bugging me for weeks. Companies, en masse, are selecting the marketing hammer to approach social media, and in large part are ignoring the most common, non-personal use of social media, namely solving problems and getting questions answered.

If you want […]

 Latest News (Conversation and Community)

Is Marketing Hijacking Social Media?

I keep a Google alert set for “social media.” It is without a doubt the most active of all my alerts. I’ve seen everything from headlines about how Fort Hood soldiers are using social media in the aftermath of the tragedy there, to a book review of Yes We Did – An Inside Look […]

 Latest News (DocBook TDG)

DocBook V5.0 Approved as OASIS Standard

The official ballot to approve DocBook V5.0 as an OASIS standard closed on October 31st, and the standard was approved with a healthy margin.

Congratulations to Norm Walsh for driving the process and keeping the rest of us on the Technical Committee focused and moving in the right direction. His contribution to […]

 Latest News (DITA Specialization)

DITA Specialization: An Overview

XML Press author Zarella Rendon has written an article titled: DITA Specialization Overview. If you’ve ever wondered what DITA Specialization is all about, this will get you started.

The article is a preview of Rendon’s forthcoming book, DITA Specialization, due for publication early in 2010.

Read the DITA Specialization Overview.


 Latest News (Managing Writers)

Documentation Plan in DocBook Form

Updated to fix broken link, 04 October 2009

One of the more popular pages on the XML Press website has been the documentation plan template from the book, Managing Writers: A Real-World Guide to Managing Technical Documentation. That template is now available as a DocBook XML file.

The template in all formats, […]

 Latest News (Newsletter)

XML Press Newsletter — Inaugural Edition

The inaugural issue of the XML Press Newsletter (html) (PDF) is now available.


 Latest News (XML Press)

XML Press Partners with WebWorks

Press Release from WebWorks

Free Books and Presentations from XML Press Writers Featured at WebWorks RoundUp Conference on Technical Publishing Trends

Austin, Texas (PRWEB) September 21, 2009 — The team is pleased to announce its partnership with XML Press, the leading publisher of books for technical communicators. To mark this new partnership, XML […]

 Latest News (Conversation and Community)

More Reviews of Conversation and Community

Updated — 9/21/2009

More reviews have come in for Anne Gentle’s Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation. Here are a few highlights:

“This is a very important book. Not reading it is like sticking your head in the sand and waiting for your career to dissipate into oblivion. Your community […]

 Latest News (Communicating with Everyone)

XML Press to Publish Communicating with Everyone by Brenda Huettner

XML Press will publish Brenda Huettner’s book, Communicating with Everyone in January, 2010. […]