
XML Press Authors at DITA NA

This year’s CMS/DITA North America will be held April 15-17, 2019, in Durham, North Carolina. Leigh White, author of DITA for Print, will be at the conference, as will many other leaders in the DITA world. You can get more information about the conference here.


CMS/DITA North America Conference

Join the Center for Information-Development Management for the 19th annual Content Management Strategies/DITA North America Conference in San Diego, California on April 24-26 2017. Engage with a community of people who believe that international standards, structured content, reuse capabilities, and multiple media delivery are the directions of the future.

Meet publications professionals who have implemented […]

DITA for Print now available

Leigh White’s DITA for Print: A DITA Open Toolkit Workbook is now available for sale at, Barnes and Noble and other retailers worldwide. The print version is available now, and the ebook will be available shortly.

We also now have the full table of contents on the DITA for Print book page.

Congratulations to […]

XML Press Newsletter — Spring 2012

The latest edition of the XML Press Newsletter is now available in HTML and PDF formats. This edition is devoted to four new releases:

8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, by Sharon, Information System Design Using TWiki, by Phil Gochenour, The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing, by Krista Van Laan, and DITA for Practitioners Volume […]

DITA 101 — Book Review

About a month ago, we ran an informal survey asking people what publications about DITA would be most useful to them. An author’s guide was at the top of the list. DITA 101: Fundamentals of DITA for Authors and Managers (published through, $25.37 print, $9.95 download), the new book from The Rockley Group, addresses […]

A DITA Adventure: Beyond Testing

This is the third installment in A DITA Adventure. The first two installments covered downloading and installing the DITA Open Toolkit and installing the DITA Open Toolkit on Linux. This installment is my first attempt to build content outside the demo package, and it has been a less than happy experience.


A DITA Adventure: A Linux Diversion

Part Two in the continuing saga of installing and using the DITA Open Toolkit. Part One (check it out first if you haven’t, yet) followed the initial download and installation of the DITA Open Toolkit, version 1.4. With a few minor caveats, that worked just fine, so I decided to try the same thing […]

DITA Information Needs Survey

XML Press is planning several new publications related to DITA. Our DITA Information Needs Survey collected data about what information about DITA you need.

The survey is now closed, and we will post a summary shortly.

If you participated in the survey, we will send you the full results. Thanks to everyone who participated.

A DITA Adventure: Getting Started

This is the first in a series of articles that will follow a regular user setting up and using the DITA Open Toolkit. The plan is to install the toolkit on a Windows system (and possibly later, a Linux system), get it working, generate some representative content, and generate output in various forms. If that […]