
Practical DITA — Book Review

Links updated 21 January 2010

One sign that a book has succeeded is when it changes your perception of the subject. By that definition, Julio Vazquez’s Practical Dita (102 pages,, now available on succeeds. I have to say up front that my opinion of DITA was not enhanced by reading his book. However, […]

Tom Johnson interviews author of Managing Writers

Tom Johnson just posted a podcast of an interview with Richard Hamilton, the author of Managing Writers: A Real World Guide to Managing Technical Documentation, at

The interview ranges across many of the topics discussed in the book, including hiring, motivating, evaluating writing samples, planning, and lots more. If you are interested in the […]

A New Look

Welcome to the new look for XML Press. This space will be used for articles and news items related to technical communication and XML.

Look for articles and other publications about DocBook, DITA, and management techniques.