Leigh White’s DITA for Print: A DITA Open Toolkit Workbook is now available for sale at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble and other retailers worldwide. The print version is available now, and the ebook will be available shortly.
We also now have the full table of contents on the DITA for Print book page.
XML Press will be publishing Mark Baker’s new book, Every Page is Page One: Topic-based Writing for Technical Communication and the Web in the fall of 2013.
On the Internet there are countless paths, but no starting place. In that environment, every page is page one, and every search yields a new page one. We […]
XML Press has expanded eBook distribution through O’Reilly Media. Our expanded distribution includes distribution directly through the O’Reilly eBookstore as well as distribution through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Google, Kobo, Safari books, Scribd, and many more.
The books are rolling out over the next week, so if you don’t see a title in your […]
Four XML Press authors are scheduled to speak at Content Agility 2013, which is being held in Gatwick (London), England, June 26-27:
Rahel Bailie and Noz Urbina, authors of Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits. Sharon Burton, author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars. Eliot Kimber, author of DITA for Practitioners […]
Rahel Anne Bailie and Noz Urbina’s new book, Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits, is now available through book retailers worldwide, including Amazon.com and, in the US, BarnesandNoble.com. Published by XML Press, Content Strategy is now available in print and will be available in eBook format by mid-January.
An excerpt from Rahel Anne Bailie and Noz Urbina’s forthcoming book, Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits” is available at Firehead.net.
If you’ve been asked to get funding for a content strategy initiative and need to build a compelling case, if you’ve been approached by your staff to implement a content […]
Next Thursday, November 1, I will be presenting a live Society for Technical Communication (STC) webinar titled, Choosing an XML Standard: The Case for DocBook.
Selecting an XML standard can be confusing and frustrating. It can be difficult to separate the hype from the substance as you look at various options. This webinar makes the […]
XML Press and several XML Press authors will be at LavaCon (October 6-9) and Content Strategy Workshops (October 9 – 10). The two events are co-located at the Hilton in Portland, Oregon.
XML Press will be running a bookstore at the conference offering a selection of books from LavaCon speakers and XML Press authors.
The second edition of Anne Gentle’s Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation is now generally available.
The second edition contains new chapters on building a content strategy, analyzing web techniques, and developing an open source strategy. Along with a greatly expanded bibliography and updates throughout, there are more interviews and more case studies.
Anne Gentle has just finished the second edition of Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation, and we expect the book to be available by the end of June.
To celebrate we are offering a free preview and are holding a drawing to give two lucky people free copies of the new […]
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“I love the examples you give from both the real world and pop culture” Lee Engfer, editor and writer at Mayo Clinic
“Based on real-life experience, the book is sure to resonate with [corporate communicators] and give them plenty of ideas on how to rethink and hopefully improve their current approach.” Libor Safar, Full review at Multilingual Magazine