
Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate Ebook now available for free

In response to popular demand, the ebook version of Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate is now available as a free download.

A few years ago, we took this book out of print because it was no longer up to date with the latest versions of Confluence. However, the book still contains valuable information about working with […]

Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate featured on

Sarah Maddox’s new book, Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate, is featured in a new article in Forbes, Why Atlassian is to Software as Apple is to Design, by Mark Fidelman.

Sarah’s book, which was developed, edited, and reviewed using Confluence wiki, is highlighted as an example of how Atlassian works and how well the Confluence […]

Two chances to win a copy of Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate

Who is the girl on the cover?

She is the hero of the book. She is a technical communicator extraordinaire. Let’s dub her X for now. When you read the book, you will follow X as she sets up a Confluence wiki and adds a technical documentation space. Learn from her expertise with […]

XML Press Authors Among Most Influential Tech Comm Leaders

Congratulations to XML Press authors Anne Gentle (@annegentle) and Char James-Tanny (@CharJTF) for being recognized by MindTouch as being among the Top Ten Tech Comm Influencers in 2011.

It’s also great to see XML Press (@xmlpress), Sarah Maddox (@sarahmaddox), Alan Porter (@alanjporter), and Richard Hamilton (@richardhamilton) on MindTouch’s list of 401 Tech Comm Influencers. […]

Coming Soon: Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate

In February, 2012, we will be publishing Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate by Sarah Maddox. If you want to know how to use a wiki for technical documentation (and you like chocolate), this is the book for you.

Sarah Maddox is well-known in the technical communication community for her widely read blog (ffeathers) and for […]