
New Book from Language of Cybersecurity Contributor

Cover of CISO Compass
Todd Fitzgerald, who contributed the term CISO to The Language of Cybersecurity has published a new book, CISO COMPASS: Navigating Cybersecurity Leadership Challenges with Insights from Pioneers.

CISO COMPASS includes personal, pragmatic perspectives and lessons learned from more than 75 award-winning CISOs, security leaders, professional association leaders, and cybersecurity standard setters.

The book is a comprehensive guide that can help security leaders effectively protect information assets and build award-winning programs. It covers topics such as cybersecurity strategy, emerging trends and technologies, cybersecurity organization structure and reporting models, leveraging current incidents, security control frameworks, risk management, laws and regulations, data protection and privacy, meaningful policies and procedures, multi-generational workforce team dynamics, soft skills, and communicating with the Board of Directors and executive management.

CISO COMPASS is available at Amazon.

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