
Outsourcing Technical Writing: A Primer

Cover of Structured Writing

The latest book in The Content Wrangler Content Strategy Book Series, Outsourcing Technical Writing: A Primer will be generally available on October 20, 2018.

Outsourcing stirs strong emotions. Employees associate it with layoffs, reduced quality, and plummeting morale. Managers often don’t understand the potential, thinking either that it will reduce their costs by large amounts or that it will make them obsolete, too.

Outsourcing Technical Writing: A Primer provides a comprehensive introduction to outsourcing technical writing. Barry Saiff, who has had extensive experience with outsourced content development, provides a roadmap for outsourcing success along with cases studies, a sample outsourcing agreement, and a sample plan. He also connects the success of outsourcing with management excellence and process maturity.

Barry Saiff will be at Lavacon 2018 in New Orleans, October 21–24, 2018. If you will be at the conference, make sure you stop by the Saiff Solutions booth, where Barry will have copies of the book, and catch his presentations about outsourcing and management. Saiff Solutions will also be sponsoring the opening night reception.

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