
Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate Ebook now available for free

In response to popular demand, the ebook version of Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate is now available as a free download.

A few years ago, we took this book out of print because it was no longer up to date with the latest versions of Confluence. However, the book still contains valuable information about working with Confluence, and the author, Sarah Maddox, still receives queries about it. Sarah decided to make the ebook available as a free download, with the understanding that it is no longer up to date with Confluence releases, it is unsupported, and it may no longer accurately represent the direction that Atlassian chooses to pursue for the product.

Download Links

CAVEAT: This book is out of date with respect to the latest versions of Confluence wiki, and it does not necessarily reflect Atlassian’s direction for Confluence. We are making it available with no warranty expressed or implied.

You can download the ebook version of the book from any of the links below:

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