
MadCap Flare for Programmers

MadCap Flare for Programmers front cover

MadCap Flare for Programmers: A guide to getting the most from Flare shows how MadCap Flare manages and parses content and how you can interact with Flare outside the user interface. It introduces the structure of Flare content files and Flare output files, such as HTML5 help, and shows how you can manipulate those files.

With more than 50 examples in languages such as JavaScript, C#, Java, XSLT, and Visual Basic, this book covers most of the ways you can programmatically interact with MadCap Flare.

MadCap Flare for Programmers is now available in print form from Amazon and in ebook form from O’Reilly Media, Amazon, and other ebook retailers.

Go to the book page for MadCap Flare for Programmers for more information.

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