
Every Page is Page One

XML Press will be publishing Mark Baker’s new book, Every Page is Page One: Topic-based Writing for Technical Communication and the Web in the fall of 2013.

On the Internet there are countless paths, but no starting place. In that environment, every page is page one, and every search yields a new page one. We may organize our content into highly-structured containers with multiple levels of painstakingly designed hierarchies, but once we put it on the web, our readers will probably find it with a search, which means they will end up dropped onto some page in the middle of that beautiful structure.

Every Page is Page One faces that reality head-on, explains why you need to start looking at your content differently, and shows you how to develop and deliver content in the real world of ubiquitous search.

Author Mark Baker has posted the annotated table of contents for his book at: You can go there, check it out, and add comments. Once the book is published, we will select one person at random from the commenters and give him or her a free copy of the book.

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