
STC Webinar: Choosing an XML Standard: The Case for DocBook

Next Thursday, November 1, I will be presenting a live Society for Technical Communication (STC) webinar titled, Choosing an XML Standard: The Case for DocBook.

Selecting an XML standard can be confusing and frustrating. It can be difficult to separate the hype from the substance as you look at various options. This webinar makes the case for the DocBook standard, which is, perhaps surprising to some, the most widely used XML standard for technical communication.

Like all standards, DocBook has strengths and weaknesses. I will explore those strengths and weaknesses and suggest when and where it makes sense to consider DocBook and when it might be better to use another standard. I will also provide pointers to the best available resources for DocBook.

I will be drawing on my nearly 20 years of working with DocBook — both as an author and as a user of the DocBook tool chain — and my experience as a member of both the DocBook and DITA Technical Committees at OASIS.

There will be time for questions, and you can post questions in advance by adding a comment below.

Sign up now: Choosing an XML Standard: The Case for DocBook

Cost (through STC):
STC Members $59 Reduced to $40
Not Yet Members $149 each
STC Student Members $29 each

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