This page contains errors and corrections in Schematron: A language for validating XML. If you find an error in the book, please send email to that describes what the error is and where in the book you found it. Errata are shown in the table in chronological order, with the newest items added at the top of the table.
Edition | Location | Description | Status | Date | Found by |
1st | Chapter 2, Introduction to Schematron, Example 2.6 (page 18 in the print edition) | The <assert> test should use the variable $article-code instead of directly referencing the attribute @code .
<schema xmlns= queryBinding="xslt3"> <let name="department-code" value="/inventory-list/@depcode"/> <pattern> <rule context="article"> <let name="article-code" value="@code"/> <assert test="starts-with($article-code, $department-code)"> The article code (<value-of select="$article-code"/>) must start with the right prefix (<value-of select="$department-code"/>) for <value-of select="name"/> </assert> </rule> </pattern> </schema> |
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Danny MacMillan |
1st | Chapter 3, Example 3.3 description (page 25 in the print edition) | Point 3 under Example 3.3 should read (<contents> instead of <content> ):
The content description in the |
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Danny MacMillan |
1st | Chapter 1, the section titled “The oXygen IDE” and Chapter 4, the section titled “IDE based Schematron validation” (pages 6 and 35 in the print edition) | In both places, replace the sentence: “As far as I know, the only IDE currently available (2022) that supports Schematron this way is oXygen.” with:
“As far as I know there is currently (2023) one other IDE that also supports Schematron validation in the editor: XMLBlueprint (” |
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Erik Siegel |
1st | Appendix A, Example A.21 (page 171 in the print edition) | In Example 1.21 /message/ should be /messages/ :
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Danny MacMillan |
1st | Appendix A, Figures A9, A10, A11 (pages 171–172 in the print edition) | The titles of all three begin with /*/messages . They should begin with /messages/* . |
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Danny MacMillan |
1st | Appendix A, Examples A.22–26 (pages 173–174 in the print edition) | All four examples start with /message/* . They should start with /messages/* instead. |
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Danny MacMillan |
1st | Appendix A, Example A.27 (page 175 in the print edition) | The test attribute in the <assert> element includes an extra closing parenthesis. The test should be:
test="string-length(.) lt 25" The second bullet point after Example A.27 has the same problem. |
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Danny MacMillan |
1st | Appendix A, second bullet point after Example A.27 (page 175 in the print edition) | The predicate at the end of this bullet point starts with /message/" . It should be /messages/" :
/messages/*[@color eq 'red'][1]/message |
Confirmed | May 30, 2023 | Danny MacMillan |