
DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide

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DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
by Norman Walsh. $49.99, published with O’Reilly Media.

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DocBook is the earliest industry-standard XML schema designed for technical communicators. It has stood the test of time, becoming widely used and very popular, especially in the open source, software development, and publishing communities. The latest version of the schema, DocBook 5.0, is an important step in DocBook’s evolution, offering significantly improved linking and annotation, greater extensibility, and powerful constructs that make customization much easier than before.

O’Reilly Media published DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide in collaboration with XML Press. The second edition is the official reference for DocBook 5.0, and also contains information to help readers install, use, and customize the DocBook schema.

O’Reilly Media has supported DocBook from its earliest days; they were part of the original group that defined the standard, they published the first edition of the definitive guide, they have continued to participate actively in the DocBook community, and they use DocBook in many of their publications.

This new edition was authored by Norman Walsh and edited by Richard Hamilton. Both were long-time members of the OASIS DocBook Technical Committee and have used DocBook extensively.

About Norman Walsh

Norman Walsh is a Principal Technologist in the Information & Media Solutions team at Mark Logic Corporation. He is also an active participant in a number of standards efforts worldwide. Mr. Walsh served as an elected member of the Technical Architecture Group at the W3C until 2009. At W3C, he is chair of the XML Processing Model Working Group, co-chair of the XML Core Working Group, and an active member of the XSL Working Group. At OASIS, he is chair of the DocBook Technical Committee and a member of the RELAX NG and Entity Resolution Technical Committees. He was editor of the XML Catalogs specification for the Entity Resolution Technical Committee and wrote the implementation of that OASIS Standard that is part of the XML Commons project at Apache. He was a specification lead for the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and has participated occasionally in other XML-related JSRs.

Before joining Mark Logic, he was an XML Standards Architect at Sun Microsystems, Inc. With more than a decade of industry experience, Mr. Walsh is well known for his work on DocBook and for the numerous papers and presentations he has published.