
April 19, 2012, XML Press Newsletter

We’ve been busy here at XML Press this month, with four new books, covering the gamut from Webinars to TWiki wiki to technical writing fundamentals to DITA.

If you would like to have the newsletter emailed to you, there’s a sign-up form at the bottom of this page, or you can subscribe to our RSS Feed. You can also read the Newsletter in PDF form.


8 Steps to Amazing Webinars

Sharon Burton’s popular eBook, 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, is now available in a print edition. This easy-to-read book is full of tips and tricks to help make your webinars more effective.

Information Design Using TWiki

Combining real-world experience with a veteran teacher’s ability to communicate, Phil Gochenour’s Information System Design Using TWiki, builds an information system step by step, using the TWiki wiki platform.

The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing

In 2001, Krista Van Laan published The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Technical Writing with Catherine Julian. The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing, is inspired by that book, but is significantly re-written, extended, and brought up to date. This is the perfect book for someone who is thinking about becoming a technical writer or just starting out in the profession.

DITA for Practitioners Volume 1: Architecture and Technology

Take a deep dive into DITA with Eliot Kimber. In the first of his two-volume series, DITA for Practitioners Volume 1: Architecture and Technology, Kimber provides a detailed look at DITA aimed at engineers, tools builders, and content strategists – anyone who designs, implements, or supports DITA-based systems.

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