
September 21, 2010 XML Press Newsletter

This month, we have a new series to announce, plus the release of Alan Porter’s new book and other activities by XML Press authors.

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Alan Porter’s WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit to be released at XML 2010

Alan Porter’s WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit will be released at XML 2010, October 13-15 in Philadelphia, PA. The book provides an “organic” approach to developing and implementing a wiki strategy. It will help you decide if a wiki will help your organization (it probably will), select a wiki, seed it with information, and maintain it. But, most important, it examines the human element; how to introduce a wiki into your environment and overcome resistance.

There are five case studies that look at how companies are currently using wikis to improve efficiency, increase communication, and engage customers in a conversation about your products and services.

At XML 2010 we will have copies for sale, and Alan will be there to sign copies.

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XML Press authors at Lavacon

XML Press authors Brenda Huettner, Char James-Tanny, and Alan J. Porter will be speaking at Lavacon 2010, which is being held this year in San Diego, CA from September 29 to October 2. Early registration (save $200) for Lavacon ends on September 22, and you can save an extra $50 by using the code HAMILTON. We hope to have an advance copy of Alan Porter’s WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit at the conference.

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DITA Series

XML Press is developing a series of publications around DITA, the popular XML standard for technical communicators. Authored by recognized authorities, who have been using DITA as long as it has existed, the DITA Series will provide the most comprehensive coverage of the DITA standard available.

Title Author Pub. Date Description
DITA Specialization Zarella Rendon March, 2011 Everything you need to know to specialize DITA for your needs.
DITA for Practitioners Eliot Kimber April, 2011 An implementors guide to DITA from a leading DITA practitioner.
Authoring with DITA Anindita Basu Mid-year, 2011 A guide for technical communicators.
The DITA Reference TBA Mid-year, 2011 A comprehensive reference for the DITA 1.2 standard.

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