September 23, 2009 XML Press Newsletter

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the XML Press Newsletter. This issue announces a new book by Brenda Huettner about accessibility and a partnership with WebWorks. Plus, there’s news about two of our current titles.

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Brenda Huettner’s Communicating with Everyone

Companies have an obligation to reach anyone who uses their products and services. But, are you really reaching everyone you can? The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 27% percent of the population has a disability of one kind or another. For people over age 65, this number leaps to 83%. You cannot afford to ignore this part of your audience; it’s bad business and in many cases it’s against the law.

Brenda Huettner’s book, Communicating with Everyone, scheduled for publication in January, 2010, shows you how to ensure your message, be it a marketing message, technical communication, or corporate communication, can be received and understood by people with varying abilities.

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Anne Gentle Video Interview

Anne Gentle, author of Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation just completed a transatlantic video interview with Ellis Pratt on the Cherryleaf Technical Writer’s Blog. Questions included: What is conversation and community? What will documentation look like in the future? What extra does it give to end users? and How do I sell the idea to management?

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Managing Writers named ‘Foundation Book’

STC Intercom (Sept/Oct 2009) David Kowalsky

Managing Writers: A Real-World Guide to Managing Technical Documentation was featured in an article title, “Foundation Books: A Lone Writer’s Annotated List.” According to Kowalsky, the book provides “the reader with the information needed to successfully manage documentation projects, people, and technology.” He goes on to say, “The user-friendly structure resembles a reference guide.”

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XML Press Partners with WebWorks

XML Press will partner with WebWorks, developer of the ePublisher online conversion platform, at the WebWorks RoundUp 09 Conference. Attendees will receive complementary copies of two XML Press publications, Managing Writers: A Real-World Guide to Managing Technical Documentation by Richard L. Hamilton and Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation by Anne Gentle.

Both Gentle and Hamilton will be speaking at the conference, along with WebWorks VP and XML Author Alan J. Porter, author of the forthcoming book, WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit.

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