
Two chances to win a copy of Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate

Cover of Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate

Who is the girl on the cover?

She is the hero of the book. She is a technical communicator extraordinaire. Let’s dub her X for now. When you read the book, you will follow X as she sets up a Confluence wiki and adds a technical documentation space. Learn from her expertise with the wiki editor and macros. Share her adventures in agile development and search engine optimisation. Grow wings, as X does, and make your wiki documentation fly. Discover why X says we need a “kiss my wiki” attitude.

Guess her name

UPDATE (Jan 15, 2012): We have a winner!

The name of the girl on the cover is Ganache. Congratulations to Jill Brockmann on guessing the name and winning a free copy of the book.

Thanks to everyone for participating; it was lots of fun.

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