Examples from The Boost C++ Libraries

The Boost C++ Libraries, 2nd Edition contains over 430 examples that you can download from this page. All of the examples were written by Boris Schäling and are Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by Boris Schäling.

The examples in this book are provided to help you make effective use of the Boost C++ libraries. You may freely copy, change, and use these examples in your own programs, including programs that you sell or share with others.

You do not need to ask for permission unless you are reproducing a large portion of the examples for commercial use. For instance, reproducing the examples in a book, magazine, or other publication would require permission. Referencing the book and including an example in a reply in a forum or in your blog would not. If you’re not sure, or for more information, send email to permissions@xmlpress.net or boris@highscore.de.

These examples are provided as is with NO WARRANTY express or implied.

Second Edition Examples

You can download the second edition examples as a zip file or as a gzipped tar file.

First Edition Examples

The examples from the first edition are still available. You can download them as a zip file, a gzipped tar file, or you can download them chapter-by-chapter.

Chapter zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 2: Smart Pointers: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 3: Function Objects: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 4: Event Handling: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 5: String Handling: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 6: Multithreading zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 7: Asynchronous I/O: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 8: Interprocess Communication: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 9: Filesystem: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 10: Date and Time: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 11: Serialization: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 12: Parser: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 13: Containers: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 14: Data Structures: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 15: Error Handling: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 16: Cast Operators: zip file gzipped tar file
Chapter 17: Utilities: zip file gzipped tar file